Email Marketing Simplified

With GivingTech, send unlimited emails to your donors and leads, with integration right into your CRM and fundraising platform.

Here's what you'll find in the GivingTech Email Platform

Mailing lists simplied

Select your mailing lists of donors and leads - right through your GivingTech CRM.

Newsletter Wizard

Easily create newsletters using our templates or WYSIWYG wizard, or import from your favorite platform.


Track sent, bounced, open, and click-through rates in real-time.

Unlimited emailing

Send to all of your donors without limit. To email your leads, connect your AWS or Mailgun account.

ROI Insights

See how many donations and much revenue each newsletter brings in.

Automated Lists

Create dynamic marketing lists that automatically update as new donations come in.

Converted Leads

Leads are automatically converted into donors when they donate.


All newsletters and performance are recorded in your Donor and Lead profiles.

Tracking your revenue

How effective are your newsletters?

Email marketing platforms are great at reporting the open-rate, bounced-rate, and click-rates of your newsletter. But GivingTech goes beyond this - reporting to you the number of donations and total revenue that you receive from each mailing. And in each donor's profile, you'll see the donations that they made from your different mailings.